No, this is a convenient option offered to you by the funds. You may still send your forms in the manner in which you always have. |
Based upon our tests with a number of employers, they have found that the system saves their staff time and helps prevent computational errors, as well insuring that there are no fringe benefit rate change issues.
Yes, you may submit your payment online via ACH or you can mail a check to the Trust Fund’s designated lock box account.
These transactions are encrypted and secure. It is also in compliance with all Michigan privacy laws concerning the transmission of social security numbers electronically.
In the User Manual, you will find the format which you must be able to convert your files into so that they are able to be used by this program. You will note that Microsoft Excel also has the ability to produce compatible formatted files.
We recommend that you choose the last day worked in that particular month as the date to enter, but it does not really matter as long as you get the month correct. The rates on the electronic form are driven by the work month that you enter whether it’s the 17th or the 31st. Putting the last day worked may be helpful to you however in knowing where to pick up reportable hours for your next months fringe benefit form.
If after you have hit the “finalize report” button and transmitted your electronic form you realize that you still need to make a change, you will need to have this transaction voided. To do this you will call the fringe benefit office and give them the invoice number off of this report so that it can be voided and you can submit a new report. |
No, you can go ahead and reload a new, corrected file for the same work month. It is important that you follow through however and make sure your original report has in fact been voided. |
On the fringe benefit summary screen you will see a section for comments. You can type any special message that you would like to include with your report there and it will be communicated to the fund office upon submission. |